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Wellcome to Plominsko Zagorje Astronomical Observatory

Astronomical Observatory

Plominsko Zagorje - Istria - Croatia

λ 14°12´37"  φ 45º06´32"  h = 310 m


visual and CCD photomety, classic and digital astrophotography, popularization of astronomy

Marino Fonovic in croatian wikipedia

aavso observ. initials

About me

Plominsko Zagorje Observatory is located a suburban area near town of Plomin in eastern Istria, Croatia. Since 1980 the main program of observation is visual and CCD observation of variable stars on the American Association of Variable Star Observers programme. AAVSO is world's premier organization of astronomers who are interested in variable stars.

Since 1983 I (Marino Fonovic) have made more than
50,000 visual and CCD observations of 800 variable stars. All observations are included in the AAVSO International Database.

Besides  photometric observations of variable stars I involves between 1990 – 2000 intensively in astrophotography, especially deep sky objects. I wrote about astronomy regularly in croatian, slovenian and serbian magazine. I published more then 100 works and scientific and popular articles.



Variable Stars - Introduction

AAVSO Visual Observing Manual
AAVSO Manual for CCD Observing

The General Catalogue of Variable Stars



The Solar System
Deep sky

Plominsko Zagorje 23
52234 PLOMIN
Istria- Croatia

FMR Observ. totals 2005-2006

North Carolina, may 18, 2013: AAVSO Observer Award for 50.000 Visual variable starobservations.

AAVSO Observer Awards 2013


Astronomical equipment


Scientific and popular articles

M. Fonovic:
Evidence of publications and presentations

Observation of the nova dwarf SS Cygni (in italiano) pdf

Visual observations of novae pdf

New Book of M. Fonovic


Light Pollution

International Dark-Sky Association


Pictures, Images

Photographs of nature

Panorama of village


Istria on the Internet, Astronomy, M.Fonovic


Links to other astronomy sites


AAVSO Awards 1999 and 2010

Geographic position of Observatory

Fonovici on auto chart



M. Fonovic’s new book in croatian. more


webmaster: m. fonovic  Copyright © 2005 - 2024  All rights reserved.

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